Summer School 2023: Energy Technology, Policy and Politics – How to Build a Net-Zero GHG Emissions Energy System
27 August - 1 September 2023, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland

Summer School 2023: Energy Technology, Policy and Politics – How to Build a Net-Zero GHG Emissions Energy System
27 August - 1 September 2023, Monte Verità, Ascona, Switzerland
The Energy Technology, Policy and Politics Summer School will provide for the first time a comprehensive overview of the technical, socioeconomic and political challenges and opportunities of creating a sustainable energy supply for the future, under the premise of net-zero (or even negative) greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
The aim of the summer school is to address the following questions from a technical, economic and policy perspective:
- How does the energy supply system function today and potentially in the future?
- What are the main challenges and opportunities in achieving a net-zero GHG emissions energy supply system?
- How can needed investments in the energy system be realised?
- How can policy accelerate the transition to a net-zero energy system?
- How can political ambition be increased and how can such accelerating policies be implemented?
The school will enable young scientists to contribute towards the transformation and decarbonisation of the energy system, which will ultimately help solve the challenge of climate change.
The scientific programme strongly builds on inputs from renowned experts and will create space to develop strategies and test ideas. The nature of the topic is highly interdisciplinary and addresses researchers from the engineering, natural as well as social sciences. Participants will actively take part in workshops that allow them to dive into relevant scientific aspects more deeply. The five-day summer school is structured around keynote lectures, poster sessions, workshops and a concluding panel discussion involving lecturers and participants.
- Prof. Dr. Heleen de Coninck (TU/e, NL)
- Prof. Dr. Itay Fishhendler (The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, IL)
- Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug (ETH Zurich, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Anna Korre (Imperial College London, UK)
- Patrik Meli (MAN Energy Solutions Schweiz AG, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Øystein Ulleberg (IFE, NO)
- Dr. Christian Schaffner (ETH Zurich, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Arno Schlüter (ETH Zurich, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt (ETH Zurich, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Jan Steckel (MCC, DE)
- Prof. Dr. Bjarne Steffen (ETH Zurich, CH)
- Prof. Dr. Massimo Tavoni (PoliMI, IT)
Who can participate?
The school is open to early-stage researchers (PhD students and postgraduate students) from around the world, who want to gain an in-depth understanding of the energy sector. Participation is highly competitive and the total number of participants is limited.
What will you learn?
The scientific program will strongly build on inputs from renowned experts. Participants will actively take part in workshops that allow them to dive more deeply into relevant scientific aspects. Participants will learn about the key issues surrounding the following questions as well as solution paths.
- How does the energy supply system function today and potentially in the future?
- What are the main challenges and opportunities in achieving a net zero greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions energy supply system?
- How can needed investments in the energy system be realised?
- How can policy accelerate the transition to a net zero energy system?
- How can political ambition be increased or implement such accelerating policies?
To this end the conference will use different formats including keynote lectures, poster sessions, case studies and panel discussions to convey information as well as create a space to develop strategies and test ideas. This will provide an opportunity to get an interdisciplinary and broad overview of the topics and look at specifics more closely. In this sense the conference will enable young scientists to contribute towards the transformation and decarbonisation of the energy system, which will ultimately help solve the challenge of climate change.
The Summer School "Energy Technology, Policy and Politics" is an ETH Zurich course which corresponds to 2 ECTS (ECTS: European Credit Transfer System; 1 ECTS credit equals approx. 25-30 hours of work). After successful participation in the Summer School, the organisers will issue a confirmation of successful participation. However, the crediting of ECTS is subject to the home university.
The school will take place at external page Monte Verità in Ascona, Switzerland from 27 August to 1 September 2023.
The registration fee is 380 CHF and the estimated costs for full board accommodation, excursion, and teaching materials are approximately 1000 CHF.
Participants have to pay for their own travel costs.
The summer school is organised back-to-back with the Swiss Climate Summer School “Climate-Water-Energy-Food Nexus”, which will take place 3 - 8 September 2023 (external page This allows interested participants to attend both schools and provides them with a broader perspective of the tightly-interwoven energy and climate change challenges.
The school is jointly organised by the Energy Science Center (ESC) and the Institute of Science, Technology and Policy (ISTP) of ETH Zurich.
The ESC and the ISTP are both interdepartmental scientific units of ETH Zurich that promote a sustainable energy system that is responsive to the central challenges of the energy transition. The ESC and ISTP both offer a platform for nourishing the exchange of information between the engineering sciences, the social sciences, policy-makers and other members of society. Moreover, they both foster productive transdisciplinary research collaborations.
Organising committee
- Prof. Dr. Tobias Schmidt (ISTP, ETH Zurich)
- Prof. Dr. Gabriela Hug (ESC, ETH Zurich)
- Dr. Christian Schaffner (ESC, ETH Zurich)
- Dr. Adriana Marcucci (ESC, ETH Zurich)
- Annina von Mentlen (ESC, ETH Zurich)
- Alana Henry (ISTP, ETH Zurich)
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