Dr. Adriana Marcucci Bustos

Dr. Adriana Marcucci Bustos
Staff of Energy Science Center (ESC)
Additional information
Adriana Marcucci joined the Energy Science Center, at the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology in Zürich, in June 2021. She is the coordinator of SWEET-CROSS (Coordination of Scenarios in SWEET). Before joining the ESC, Adriana worked as a scientist and in the management office of the Joint Activity Scenarios and Modelling (JASM), a collaboration of the eight Swiss Competence Centers that brought together modelling teams to create scenarios for the Swiss Energy System in 2050.
Before working in JASM, Adriana worked as a Postdoctoral researcher in the Resources Economics group in ETH after doing her PhD in the Energy Economics Group in the Paul Scherrer Institute.
My research focuses on evaluating alternative pathways to reach long-term mitigation goals both at the Swiss and the global level. For this, I use energy technlogy models and integrated assessment models.
- Landis, F., A. Marcucci, S. Rausch, R. Kannan and L. Bretschger (2019). Multi-model comparison of Swiss decarbonization scenarios. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155:12, DOI: 10.1186/s41937-019-0040-8
- Marcucci, A. and L, Zhang. Growth impacts of Swiss steering based climate policies (2019). Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, 155:9, DOI: 10.1186/s41937-019-0043-5
- Marcucci, A., E. Panos, S. Kypreos and P. Fragkos (2019). Probabilistic assessment of realizing the 1.5C climate target. Applied Energy, 239, pp 239–251. DOI: 10.1016/j.apenergy.2019.01.190
- Marcucci, A., S. Kypreos and E. Panos (2017). The road to achieving the long-term Paris targets: Energy Transition and the Role of Direct Air Capture. Climatic Change, 144, pp. 181–193. DOI: 10.1007/s10584-017-2051-8
- Harmsen,M., M. van den Berg, V. Krey, G. Luderer, A.Marcucci, J. Strefler, D. Van Vuuren (2016). How climate metrics affect global mitigation strategies and costs, a multi-model study, Climatic Change: 136 (2), pp. 203–216, DOI: 10.1007/s10584-016-1603-7
- Marcucci, A and P. Fragkos (2015). Drivers of regional decarbonization through 2100: A multimodel decomposition analysis, Energy Economics, 51, pp. 111-124, DOI:10.1016/j.eneco.2015.06.009
- Marcucci, A. and H. Turton (2013). Induced technological change in moderate and fragmented climate change mitigation regimes, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, Part A, pp. 230-242, DOI:10.1016/j.techfore.2013.10.027
- Kriegler, E., K. Riahi, N,. Bauer, V.J. Schwanitz, N. Petermann, V. Bosetti, A. Marcucci, S. Otto, L. Paroussos, S. Rao, T. Arroyo Curras, S. Ashina, J. Bollen, J. Eom, M. Hamdi-Cherif, T. Longden, A. Kitous, A. Mejean, M. Schaeffer, K. Wada, P. Capros, D. van Vuuren, O. Edenhofer (2013). Making or breaking climate targets: The AMPERE study on staged accession scenarios for climate policy, Technological Forecasting and Social Change, 90, Part A, pp. 22-44, DOI: 10.1016/j.techfore.2013.09.021
- Marcucci, A., H. Turton. Swiss energy strategies under global climate change and nuclear policy uncertainty. Swiss Journal of Economics and Statistics, Vol. 148, No. 2, pp. 317-345, DOI: 10.1007/BF03399369
- Cadena, A., A.Marcucci, J.F. Perez, H.Duran, H.Mutis, C. Tautiva & F. Palacios. Efficiency Analysis in Electricity Transmission Utilities. Journal of Industrial andManagement Optimization, Vol. 5, No. 2, 253 - 274.
- Marcucci, A., E. Panos, G. Guidati, R. Lordan-Perret, I. Schlecht and D. Giardini (2021). JASM Framework and Drivers Definition
- Guidati, G., A. Marcucci and D. Giardini (2021). Probabilistic Assessment of the Swiss Energy Strategy - Scenario Analysis with the SES-ETH Model
- Marcucci, A., G. Guidati and D. Giardini (2021). Documentation of the Swiss Energy Scope - ETH model
- Guidati, G. A. Marcucci, T. Damartzis, V. Burg, T. Schildhauer, D. Giardini and O. Kröcher (2021). Biomass and Waste Potentials and Conversion Pathways for Energy Use, JASM-Biosweet paper
- Streicher, K., J. Allan, P. Murray and A. Bollinger (2020). Energy Efficiency from Buildings Retrofitting
- Marcucci, A., Turton, H. (2012). Swiss energy strategies under global climate change and nuclear policy uncertainty Contribution to PSI Scientific Highlights 2012, Paul Scherrer Institute
- Marcucci, A., Turton, H. (2009). Analyzing Energy Technology Options for Switzerland in the Face of Global Uncertainties: An Overview of theMERGE model, NCCR climate Research paper 2011/05
- C. Bauer, W. Schenler, S. Hirschberg, A. Marcucci, P. Burgherr (2009). Systemvergleich von Stromund Waermeversorgung mit zentralen und dezentralen Anlagen. Eine Studie im Rahmen des “Energietrialog Schweiz”.
- A. Marcucci, A. Cadena, M. Espinosa, R. Delgado (2008). “Colombia: Diagnostico, perspectivas y lineamientos para definir estrategias posibles ante el Cambio Climatico” (Colombia: Diagnosis, Perspectives and Directives to define possible Strategies for Climate Change). EMGESA CODENSA. Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.
- A. Cadena, A. Marcucci, J.F. Perez, D. Parra, C. Tautiva (2008). Metodologias para la remuneraciin de costos eficientes de AOM de empresas de transmision y distribucion electrica. (Methodologies to Remunerate Efficient Operating andMaintenance Costs in Electrical Transmission and Distribution Utilities). Colombian Energy and Gas Regulatory Commission, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia.