Swiss electricity transition and the changing risks to human health, safety, natural and built environment (RIGOROuS project)

Switzerland has decided to phase out nuclear power to reduce the residual risk of nuclear accidents. What are the risks to human health, safety, natural and built environment posed by the Swiss electricity portfolio after the nuclear phase-out? Where will these risks be located?
The Impact of Energy Labels on Purchases of Household Appliances

Energy-efficient appliances often seem to be overlooked by households although they offer net monetary savings. Increasing the energy efficiency of purchased household appliances would provide a double dividend: Financial profits for households as well as higher social welfare due to the reduction of negative externalities from the consumption of energy.
Tomorrow's Sequential Combustion Technologies for Low Emissions and High Fuel Flexibility

A challenging research project conducted at the CAPS laboratory aims at addressing the problem of combustion instabilities in a new type of gas turbine combustion chamber. This technology step change is based on constant pressure sequential combustion architectures. It provides higher fuel flexibility (natural gas, but also bio- and syn(thetic)- gas), higher operational flexibility, and higher efficiency compared to conventional single stage combustion chambers.
Catalytic processes for carbon dioxide and natural gas valorization

The ultimate goal of this research is to upgrade abundant carbon dioxide and natural gas resources, connected with the largest greenhouse emissions from human activities, into valuable chemicals and fuels by means of sustainable catalytic routes.