ETH Week 2018 – Energy Matters

A very intensive and memorable week has ended for the 164 participants of the ETH Week and its organisers.  Working in interdisciplinary groups of 8 to 9 students, the teams had to come up with their own problem statements and solution ideas that will contribute to a sustainable energy future. The Energy Science Center looks back to a succesful week and is very happy to have helped shape a large extent of the content of the programme on this years topic "Energy Matters".

ETH week winner team photo

Read more about the learnings and experiences of the students in the ETH Week diary.

Impressions of the week can be found on the ETH Week website and on the external page ETH Week twitter channel

Students that want to develop their ideas futher, get the opportunity to work on their projects in the follow-up programme "The Hatchery" at the Student Project House. One third of ETH Week participants have signed up!

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