Congratulations to Maksym Kovalenko for receiving the Rössler Prize

The ESC is delighted to congratulate its member Prof. Maksym Kovalenko for receiving this year's Rössler Prize for his research on bright nanoparticles.
Vier ETH-Experten zum Thema Kernkraft

Die SRF-Sendung "10vor10" fragt, ob die Schweiz in der aktuellen Klima- und Energiedebatte neue Atomkraftwerke brauche. Dr. Christian Schaffner, Executive Director des Energy Science Centers (ESC), sowie die drei ESC-Mitglieder Prof. Reto Knutti, Prof. Horst-Michael Prasser und Prof. Massimo Filippini äussern sich zu Kosten, Risiken und CO2-Bilanz.
Congratulations to Energy Science and Technology Master graduates!

The Energy Science Center (ESC) is delighted to congratulate this year's MEST graduates for successfully completing their Master's degree in Energy Science and Technology.
Carbon-neutral fuel made from sunlight and air
Researchers from ETH Zurich have developed a novel technology that produces liquid hydrocarbon fuels exclusively from sunlight and air. For the first time worldwide they demonstrate the entire thermochemical process chain under real field conditions. The new solar mini-refinery is located on the roof of ETH’s Machine Laboratory building in Zurich.
RESPONSE - A new Doctoral Program

The new Doctoral Program RESPONSE aims to contribute to the EUs’ coordinated efforts for stewardship in transformation to sustainable food systems, sustainable energy systems and to ensure sustainable land use.