Congratulations to ESC member Florian Dörfler on his appointment as Associate Professor
On the recommendation of ETH President Joël Mesot, the ETH Board appointed several new ETH professors during its meeting on 10 and 11 July 2019, among them Professor Florian Dörfler, who is currently Tenure Track Assistant Professor at ETH Zurich. He has been appointed as Associate Professor of Complex Systems Control.
Glacier retreat offers hydropower potential
Read the latest news from Energeia on a research project that examines the hydropower potential in the periglacial environment of Switzerland under climate change. The ongoing glacier retreat offers opportunities for additional storage hydropower.
MEST-Studierende forschen an induktiver Stromtankstelle
Im Rahmen des Masterstudiengangs in Energy Science and Technology haben Studierende einen Prototypen entwickelt, der aufzeigt, wie Elektroautos in Zukunft induktiv geladen werden könnten. Die Fallstudie, die während der "Case Studies" über zwei Semester hinweg stattfand, entstand in Zusammenarbeit mit lab360, dem Innovationslabor von Energie 360°.