Energy Week @ ETH 2020 - you asked, we answer

When registering for the Energy Week @ ETH, participants have the opportunity to ask the experts their most burning questions in advance. In the run-up to, during and after the event, ETH energy scientists and the Energy Science Center take these questions as an opportunity to shed light on some central energy issues.

by Energy Science Center (ESC)

Prior to the event, see for yourself, what Petrissa Eckle from ETH's sus.lab, Tobias Schmidt from the Energy Politcs Group and Christian Schaffner, the ESC's executive director, have to say about selected questions (in German).

Do you want to know more about current energy research or trends? Do you also have a question for the experts of the Energy Week @ ETH?

See the full programme and register now!


Schaffen wir die 100% erneuerbaren Energien in der Schweiz bis 2050? Wenn ja, wie? Was ist noch notwendig und machbar?


Kommen wir einem Systemwandel näher? Oder sind unsere Wirtschaft und das Energiesystem zu sehr locked-in?


In absehbarer Zeit werden bedeutende Stromerzeugungskapazitäten in Europa wegfallen. Zeitgleich wird der Strombedarf weiter stark zunehmen. Wie werden wir in der Schweiz eine sichere, CO2-arme Energieversorgung bewerkstelligen?

Do you want to know more about current energy research or trends? Do you also have a question for the experts of the Energy Week @ ETH?

See the full programme and register now!

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