Successful ETH-Klimarunde on weather extremes and climate change
On Thursday, 20 October 2022, the ETH-Klimarunde successfully took place at ETH Zurich. The event is co-organised by the Center for Climate Systems Modeling (C2SM) and the Energy Science Center (ESC). This year's motto focused on "Weather Extremes in Climate Change: How well prepared are we?" The very well attendes event was once again a place for exchange and dialogue with many stakeholders involved in the discussions.
CROSSDAT - An Open Energy Data Platform for Switzerland
How much energy do buildings consume per canton, per municipality? How big is the heating demand? How much electricity did Switzerland consume yesterday? How many Smart Meters are installed per municipality? In terms of data freely available on the energy sector – so called Open Energy Data -, Switzerland has a lot of catching up to do compared to other countries. Why is that? What are the obstacles?
Context matters and electrification models should reflect it
The latest blogpost on the Energy Blog @ ETH Zurich discusses a key shortcoming in electrification models used by policymakers and international organizations to chart electricity access pathways in sub-Saharan Africa – unrealistic financing cost assumptions. It highlights why this often overlooked flaw in electrification models could slacken efforts to reach universal electricity access by 2030 and explains why it matters.
Regina Moser joins the ESC as Project Manager
Regina Moser joins the Energy Science Center (ESC) as a project manager. The ESC is very pleased to welcome Regina Moser as a new member of the ESC team. Regina will lead the project "Engage everyone with Energy" (E3TOTO).
Is there a role for blue hydrogen in a green energy transition?
The global energy transition requires a dramatic shift towards renewable and low-carbon energy technologies. Hydrogen is one of these and can be used to store intermittent solar and wind power. As well as being produced from green electricity by electrolysis, it can also be manufactured by capturing and storing carbon dioxide during the conversion of natural gas.