Anna Knörr joins the Energy Science Center as research assistant for SPEED2ZERO

In September 2023, Anna Knörr started working as research assistant for the Joint Initiative SPEED2ZERO. The ESC is excited to welcome Anna to its executive team!
Assessing the role of the existing and new nuclear power plants for the Swiss electricity system

In this study, the Nexus-e team assesses the role of the existing and new nuclear power plants for the Swiss electricity system. They use the Nexus-e modeling platform to develop three scenarios with different operating time of existing and construction of new nuclear power plants.
Successful Conclusion of the 2023 Summer School on Energy Technology, Policy, and Politics: A Step Towards a Net-Zero Emissions Energy System

After a week of interactive keynotes, torrential rain, case study analysis, thunderstorms, and captivating poster presentations, the 2023 Summer School on Energy Technology, Policy, and Politics has officially come to a close.