SET-Nav Strategic Energy Roadmap
The research project "SET-Nav - Navigating the Roadmap for Clean, Secure and Efficient Energy Innovation" was co-funded by the EU Horizon 2020 programme.
The project intended to support strategic decision making in Europe's energy sector, enhancing innovation towards a clean, secure and efficient energy system. The project produced contributions along three dimensions: the development of a modelling portfolio for decision making in the energy sector, the analysis of the impact of multiple future paths and policies, and the development of stakeholder dialogue and dissemination. The project was implemented by a consortium of academic, research and industry partners from Austria, Germany, Norway, France, Spain, Greece, Hungary, Belgium, the United Kingdom and Switzerland.
Through the development of the Integrated Energy Systems Modelling Platform (Nexus-e), the Energy Science Center and the Laboratory of Reliability and Risk Engineering (Prof. Giovanni Sansavini) provided the "system security" perspective. The Nexus security module focuses on assessing the energy system performance in terms of resilience and vulnerability by identifying critical energy system operational states.
Find more information on the external page project webpage.