Achievements and publications
Die Energiewende in der Nachbarschaft – Energy Hubs aus gesellschaftlicher Perspektive (R. Seidl)
Zéro Carbone, Fribourg (18.11.2015)

Distributed multi-energy-hub systems: a review and techno-economic assessment of new integrated forms of energy production and consumption (D. Grosspietsch, P. Thoemmes, B. Girod)
Energy, Science & Technology (EST) Conference Karlsruhe/Germany (May 20-22, 2015)

A Stochastic Optimization Approach to Cooperative Building Energy Management via an Energy Hub
Georgios Darivianakis, Angelos Georghiou, Roy S. Smith and John Lygeros
54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control, December 15-18, 2015 Osaka, Japan

Optimal design of multi-energy systems with seasonal storage.
P. Gabrielli, M. Gazzani, E. Martelli, M. Mazzotti.
Appl. Energy. 2017.

A MILP model for the optimal design of multi-energy systems with long-term energy storage
P. Gabrielli, M.Gazzani, E. Martelli, M. Mazzotti.
Computer Aided Chemical Engineering, 40, 2437-2442. 2017.

Modeling fuel cells in integrated multi-energy systems.
P. Gabrielli, M. Gazzani, M. Mazzotti.
In: 9th International Conference on Applied Energy. 2017.

Modeling for optimal operation of PEM fuel cells and electrolyzers.
P. Gabrielli, B. Flamm, A. Eichler, M. Gazzani, J. Lygeros, M. Mazzotti.
In: 2016 IEEE 16th Int. Conf. Environ. Electr. Eng., IEEE. 2016: pp. 1–7.

Operational optimisation for multi-carrier networks.
G. Beccuti and T. Demiray.
In: Proceedings of the IEEE Powertech. 2017.

Distributed energy systems on a neighborhood scale: Reviewing drivers of and barriers to social acceptance.
T. von Wirth, L. Gislason, R. Seidl.
Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews. 2017.

Local acceptance of distributed energy systems in energy systems transformations.
R. Seidl, T. von Wirth, A. Stefanelli.
In: 8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference. 2017.

Local acceptance of distributed energy systems: does spatial framing matter?
R. Seidl, T. von Wirth, A. Stefanelli.
In: hopefulNESS2017 conference. 2017.

How, when, and where? Assessing renewable energy self-sufficiency at the neighborhood level.
D. Grosspietsch, P. Thömmes, B. Girod, V. Hoffmann.
Resubmitted to: Environmental Science & Technology

How, where, and when? Outlining the road to renewable energy self-sufficiency at the district-level.
D. Grosspietsch, P. Thömmes, B. Girod, V. Hoffmann.
In: 19. Status-Seminar Forschenfür den BauimKontext von Energie und Umwelt, Zurich/Switzerland. 2016

Matching renewable energy production and local consumption: A review of decentralized energy systems.
D. Grosspietsch, S. Gaur, B. Girod.
In: Sustainable Built Environment (SBE) Conference, Zurich/Switzerland. 2016

Distributed multi-energy-hub systems: a review and techno-economic assessment of new integrated forms of energy production and consumption.
D. Grosspietsch, P. Thoemmes, B. Girod.
In: Energy, Science & Technology Conference, Karlsruhe/Germany, 2015

Power-to Gas for Decentralized Energy Systems: Development of an Energy Hub Model for Hydrogen Storage.
P. Murray, A. Omu, K. Orehounig, J. Carmeliet.
In: Building Simulation. 2017.

Impact of Renewable Energy Potential on the Feasibility of Power to Hydrogen in Different Municipal Contexts.
P. Murray, A. Omu, K. Orehounig, J. Carmeliet.
In: ECOS. 2018.

A Data-Driven Stochastic Optimization Approach to the Seasonal Storage Energy Management.
G. Darivianakis, A. Eichler, R. S. Smith, J. Lygeros.
In IEEE Control Systems Letters 2017.

Scalability through Decentralization: A Robust Control Approach for the Energy Management of a Building Community.
G. Darivianakis, A. Georghiou, A. Eichler, R. S. Smith, J. Lygeros.
IFAC World Congress 2017.