How does it work?

Here you can find all the events of Energy Now! 3.0

Energy Now! 3.0 is structured into four main phases: Kickoff, Project Development, Mid-Review, and Final Event. Each phase involves close interaction between students and industry partners, enabling participants to refine their solutions and gain invaluable feedback.


Kickoff event: 26th of September, 18:00-20:00, Dozentenfoyer (ETH Zentrum campus)
Industry partners will present their challenges in short pitches. You will be able to ask in-depth questions, meet potential teammates and find an industry mentor.
external page Look at the slides of the Kickoff event!

Registration deadline for the Energy Now! Challenge: 30th of September at 18:00

Please use the registration form at the end of How can I participate? to register yourself for the Energy Now! Challenge. Please remember that, even if you are already part of a group, each member of the group has to individually register!

Design Thinking Workshop: 2nd of October, 09:30-16:00, Student Project House (ETH Zentrum campus)
The goal of the workshop is to allow participants to discuss their first ideas and to receive feedback in order to investigate their solution further. A design thinking approach led by a professional will help participants develop ideas by changing perspectives and thinking out of the box. Activities like mind mapping, out-of-the-box thinking exercises, and idea shaping will be presented. The goal is to understand the process to follow during Energy Now! 3.0 to address the challenges. The expected outcome of the event is a work plan that the teams will propose to the respective mentors.

During the event, breakfast and lunch will be served :)

First Extra-Workshop: 28th of October, ETH Zentrum
We have reserved rooms for you to work with your whole team for several focused hours at a time. We thus hope to support students in finding space and time to work on their solutions with their whole team. Stakeholders are warmly invited to join and contribute.

Feedback: 4th of November
Teams have to submit what they have done so far and the updated workplan. Industry partners will help you assess your progress and give further guidance.

Second Extra-Workshop: 27th of November, ETH Zentrum
We have reserved rooms for you to work with your whole team for several focused hours at a time. We thus hope to support students in finding space and time to work on their solutions with their whole team. Stakeholders are warmly invited to join and contribute.

Finale Night: 16th of December, 17:00-20:00, Empa (Swiss Federal Laboratories for Materials Science and Technology)

All teams will have the opportunity to pitch their projects to a wide audience and the winning team - chosen by an expert jury - will be announced. We will also award a "People's Choice" that night!

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