ESC welcomes Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Viola Becattini and Paolo Gabrielli as new members

The Energy Science Center (ESC) is delighted to welcome Prof. Adrienne Grêt-Regamey, Dr. Viola Becattini and Dr. Paolo Gabrielli as new members of the competence center.
The missing piece: How diverse behaviors shape flexible electric vehicle charging

In an increasingly decentralized and electrified energy system, electric vehicle users and their diverse behaviors could both drastically hinder or substantially support current energy transition efforts in many regions globally. The negative or positive effect depends on how users are integrated into the system.
Eyvonne Ranjan joins the ESC as Project Coordinator

Eyvonne Ranjan joins the Energy Science Center (ESC) as project coordinator for PATHFNDR and SPEED2ZERO. The ESC is very excited to welcome Eyvonne to its executive team.
Why and how to put demand-side flexibility at the heart of the zero-carbon electricity transition

Electricity systems require more and more flexibility to integrate increasing shares of variable renewable electricity and avoid costly grid expansion. The demand side – involving electricity end-users – will be key in providing relatively cheap flexibility. Looking beyond the technical aspects is crucial to leverage this potential; namely, by addressing social and regulatory challenges.
Five global energy conversations to follow in 2023

In this blog post, editors Kate, Churchill, and Leopold identify five global energy conversations they will be following in 2023, which they believe will be of interest to you. Check out their picks to stay informed and engaged in these important discussions.